
How can GTA Online players skip heist cut-scenes?

GTA Online players can skip heist cut-scenes. They only have to meet certain requirements to do so.

Most players want to get in on the action right away. This is especially true for heist missions. GTA Online players might have watched the same cut-scenes several times already. It takes up a lot of time. Some players would rather shoot up casino guards than watch Lester's attempts to find love.

It can be a tedious experience. GTA Online players don't want to watch the same movies over and over again. There are ways to skip heist cut-scenes. All it takes is a few button presses. However, this can only be done by certain players. They also have to satisfy a few demands.

How to skip heist cut-scenes in GTA Online

GTA Online players have to put up with Lester far too much. They would greatly appreciate ways to skip heist cut-scenes. Unfortunately, this can end up out of their hands. Only the host has any power. Here's how to skip heist cut-scenes.

It's up to the main host

There are several perks to being a host in GTA Online. One of them is the ability to skip heist cut-scenes. This applies to long introductory movies. However, crew members have to rely on the host. If the latter wants to watch, there is nothing the former can do about it.

Hosts can only skip cut-scenes if they have already watched it. There are a few cut-scenes that cannot be skipped if it's relevant to the heist. One example is the Heist Prep: Safe Code for the Cayo Perico mission.

Main hosts should consider skipping the cut-scenes if they can. Some players may be fed up with a previously failed heist. What they don't need is to wait around any longer. GTA Online hosts should just get to the heist.

These are the necessary button presses

GTA Online is available on multiple platforms. As a result, players will deal with different controls. Skipping cut-scenes only takes a single press of a button. Here are the ones for each specific system:

  • PC: Esc, E, Spacebar
  • PlayStation 3 / PlayStation 4: Circle
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One: X

PC users can also update their control settings. This may cause some changes in the button layout. GTA Online players should keep this in mind. The ability to skip heist cut-scenes is very useful.

The final cut-scene cannot be skipped

The ability to skip heist cut-scenes is somewhat limited. While most of them can be skipped, the final one cannot be. GTA Online players will have to sit through the ending. If they complete the Cayo Perico heist, they will always see that burning picture with Trevor and Patricia.

At the very least, GTA Online players can celebrate their earnings. It's not easy completing heists. This is especially true with random players. It's always a gamble with time and money. They should enjoy the final cut-scene while they can.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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Update: 2024-06-06